News — low activity
Why do GC Capillary Connections Leak?
angled union capillary chromatography column leaks column repair column repair union cracked column fixing a broken column gas chromatography glass union glass y splitter low activity Pres2fit press2fit Pressfit presstight quartz union y splitter
The 3 Leading Causes of Column Leaks Among some chromatographers, capillary connections using press fit connectors have a reputation for leaking. Where there was a time when this was true, that time has past. InnovaQuartz collected and studied leaks from the field for a period of three years; 28 of the leaks were in our own products (of over 1,000,000 sold in that same period) and most of those were Y-splitters. We found that 98+% of leaks in press fit connections arise from three classes of problems, all of which may be addressed by a correctly designed connector: 1) Less...
Bare Glass versus Deactivation
absorption activity deactivation gas chromatography glass union glass y splitter low activity Pres2fit press2fit Pressfit presstight quartz union reactivity sample degradation y splitter
Why Choose Quartz for GC Liners?
advantages of quartz low activity low reactivity SilcoNert 2000 deactivation thermal conductivity thermal shock resistance upper use temperature